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Take the free course in meditation for chronic injury and stress management

Mindfulness and meditation is backed by research to help with persistent injury management. 

If you want to know more, check out this free webinar.

Or watch this bonus video series.





“If you’ve ever been curious about meditation, I would highly recommend joining Steve for a group session. I was amazed to see how quickly the classes provided a new level of mental awareness and colourful journey to within – our Thursday meetings quickly become a highlight of the week and a peaceful escape that I didn’t realise could exist on demand via these techniques. The importance of linking personal values with mindfulness was something that resonated with me. These teachings are not a mental hack but are a long term solution." 



"I completed the course in meditation expecting it to be like others I've done, where you endeavor to control your thoughts, let go of them and not attach yourself to them in a bid to achieve a calm. That never worked.


Steve's takes a different approach, in that it teaches you the workings of the mind and the history of meditation over centuries. By taking a slightly scientific approach to meditation, you can better understand how not to lose yourself in thoughts and worries to remain in the present. He helps you train the mind to do this."





"Steve's workshops were a game changer in building my own mindfulness and meditation practice. It's a habit I'd tried to develop for years, but his knowledge, small group class and compassion finally allowed me to integrate mindfulness into my daily life and feel the better for it."







 Steve Hanks B.Physiotherapy (NU) APAM ConnectTherapy 

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